Discipleship Ministry

Welcome to Discipleship year 1

We are studying the Journey of Faith. 

Part 1 - Receiving God’s Revelation

Stage 1 - Learning about God

Stage 2 - Knowing God

Stage 3 - God’s Salvation

Stage 4 - Life in God’s Church

Stage 5 - God’s Scripture

Part II - Personal relationship with God 

Stage 6 - Walking in Grace

Stage 7 - Daily Deliverance

Stage 8 - Developing Discipline

Stage 9 - Loving obedience

Stage 10 - Suffering Affliction

Stage 11 – Glory


Year 2

In year 2, we will be studying Become, as we learn the 5 phases of Discipleship.

Phase 1 – FOLLOW 

Phase 2 - REPRODUCE 

Phase 3 - OVERCOME 

Phase 4 – TRANSFORM 

Phase 5 - MASTER 


Year 3

In year 3, we will be studying the Spirit World, as we are becoming Master Disciples

Spiritual Discipleship


Stage 1- Spiritual Awareness

  • The Spirit World
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Spiritual Armor of God
  • Spiritual Gifts Inventory

Stage 2 – Spiritual Authority

  • Servant Leadership Laws  
  • Spiritual Laws of Leadership 

Stage 3 – Make Disciples

  • Reproduce (Evangelism)
  • CMC Ministry Questionnaire